Ageing Well
A program that makes senior citizens energetic, engaged and employable till the very sunset of their lives. It prepares them to become ‘Perennials’- People who are prepared to stay lively with purpose, poise and pleasure till the very end.
Ideal for:
Professionals facing age related stereotypes and stressing for their future prospects.
Empty nesters who feel a void in their lives which were completely occupied with their children and elders.
Women who used the first innings of their career to focus on family responsibilities but are raring to build a career late in life.
Based on:
The global change in the longevity and age-related scenario would affect all of us in the 21st century.
1 Hr Rollercoaster
3 Hrs Sprint
7 Hrs Marathon
Excellence 360°
A programme that enables you to become a better Partner, Parent, Professional and Person. Discover your SPICE personality and transform into a 360 degree Holistic Hero.
Ideal for:
Executives and Professionals looking to up their game and find a balance between various roles in their day-to-day lives.
Women Professionals who wish to live guilt-free, fulfilling lives.
Young-aspirants who desire to be future-ready.
Based on:
Upcoming book Excellence 360° - Find your SPICE by Dr Swati Lodha
1 Hr Rollercoaster
3 Hrs Sprint
7 Hrs Marathon
Authentic Leadership Masterclass
With ever-changing scenarios and constant new challenges, authenticity has taken a beating. Staying true to oneself has become a necessity. Lead in these times with confidence and finesse.
Ideal for:
Top and Middle Management Executives.
Entrepreneurs & Startup Teams who manage multiple departments at once.
Based on:
The Bestseller "Come on! Get Set Go..." By Swati & Shailesh Lodha
1 Hr Rollercoaster
3 Hrs Sprint
7 Hrs Marathon
Parenting Punchaayat
Be prepared for the most dynamic and rewarding role of your life - Being a Parent. Understand the various types of parenting styles and discover which one is yours. Get a peep into the World of Children and develop your Parenting Quotient.
Ideal for:
Group of Parents and Teachers at Schools who wish to co-create a holistic learning environment for all.
Fathers and Mothers in Housing Societies & Corporate Offices who intend to be better parents.
Expecting Couples who want to be prepared for the most important role of their lives.
Based on:
Amazon Bestseller "Don't raise your children, raise yourself!" by Dr Swati Lodha
1 Hr Rollercoaster
3 Hrs Sprint
7 Hrs Marathon
She Power to You!
Being a Women comes with its own set of challenges. This workshop encourages her to live an inspiring, guilt-free life.
Ideal for:
Women Professionals who wish to adapt to a new outlook and an inspiring way of life.
Women at Schools, Housing Societies and Social Forums
Based on:
"Why Women Are What They Are." by Dr Swati Lodha
1 Hr Rollercoaster
3 Hrs Sprint
7 Hrs Marathon
Re-Design Your Life
Design your actions by using this programme as your anchor and not only change your thoughts but translate them into everyday behaviour. Understand how to reform your response to seven negative emotions by becoming a habit changer.
Ideal for:
Professional who feel unfulfilled and wish to change to healthy habits.
People who wish to acquire their goals by transforming their behaviour.
Sales Professionals who wish to upgrade themselves with more sophisticated life skills.
Based on:
1 Hr Rollercoaster
3 Hrs Sprint
7 Hrs Marathon